

Olympia Breitling is a qualified counsellor, with experience of addiction management and other life issues. She adheres to the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy code of ethics and practice. Olympia trained with Karl Dawson and obtained Practitioner Certificates in EFT and in Matrix Reimprinting. She has a diploma in Colour Therapy, and holds certificates in Shamanic Healing and Shen Feng. She studied with Shamanka and Eagle’s Wing, and uses colour in conjunction with spiritual healing as a gentle non-intrusive therapy.

“I have always been interested in the Psyche and the Spiritual. My own journey towards self-knowledge and becoming whole has encompassed several years of yoga, Aikido, therapy, acupuncture and a variety of workshops and training.

My principal interest is in finding a gentle resolution to problems and distress, just as water finds the path of least resistance. I believe that in many situations transformation will happen naturally, and I always strive to find and call forth the inherent balance and harmony.”