
Other Therapies


A ceremony is a formal act, or set of acts, performed deliberately. It is symbolic and conveys through enactment a message or intention. Symbols are often richer in meaning and impact than words. Ceremony involves most of the senses and requires movement and bodily participation. Above all it can make an abstraction concrete.

Thus ceremony communicates between the conscious and the unconscious self, and its impact goes beyond the logic of the thinking mind. It can restore dignity and a sense of connection to the sacred. It reinforces our intentions and can constitute the important first step towards change, a future vision or a goal.  For many of us traditional ceremonies and rituals have become meaningless. However we can create new ceremonies to empower and transform our lives by dictating and performing these rites for ourselves.

Colour Healing

Colour has a profound impact on the emotional body and subtle energy systems, which in turn affect the physical body and the whole being. It speaks to our hearts and our feelings, and can heal and strengthen our mood and emotions.  Colour Therapy is a wonderful complementary treatment to be used on its own or alongside traditional medicine and alternative therapies. It should not be regarded as a substitute for professional medical care.

Salamanda Shamanism

Olympia works in conjunction with Amanda Lynch of Salamanda Shamanism. Amanda is a Shamanic healer, teacher and practitioner.  She offers individual treatments using processes from the Inca Medicine Tradition. For more information about illumination process, vision journey, shamanic extraction, soul retrieval, despachio and the Munay-Ki Rites please click here to visit the Salamanda Shamanism website.